Implementing SuitePOS (Methodology)

Implementing SuitePOS (Methodology)

Implementation is "guided" by SuiteRetail and performed by the Retailer in accordance to our guidelines and check points defined in the Project Plan.
Before Implementation can commence, ensure that SuitePOS has been installed and is operational.

The Project Plan

The Project Plan, which is distributed and shared on each project, governs the roles and responsibilities of SuiteRetail and the Retailer. It is a tried and tested methodology that fast tracks your implementation. At the high level it covers:

  • The Project Kickoff
  • Initial Install
  • Ordering Hardware
  • Establishing Merchant Accounts
  • Admin Training (in association with the Technical Implementation Steps below)
  • Clerk Training
  • Testing
  • Go Live

The Check List

This sharable sheet, which has been curated after hundreds of implementations, is part of the overall project plan and ensures that each and every step is scheduled and completed in a co-ordinated fashion.

Overview of the Steps

At the macro level, the summary implementation steps are as follows:
  1. Define the Locations (or Stores). This is where your physical inventory is located (or shipped to for in-store pickup). In NetSuite, you use the Locations record. In Salesforce, you use the POS Stores object.

  2. Define the Taxes. This is an important step as it defines how tax is handled when processing sales or returns. SuitePOS can cater for very complex tax situations and therefore it is advisable that you consult your SuiteRetail Implementation Manager. 

  3. Define the Products. This defines the products and attributes of the products that are available to SuitePOS. In NetSuite, SuitePOS uses the standard Item Record. In Salesforce, the standard Product Object is used. To better segregate products, Terminal and/or Inventory location restrictions can be applied. This allows products to be displayed in SuitePOS that are specific to a Location (or Store) or group of Terminals within a store. Your SuiteRetail Implementation Manager can advise you on the array of options when considering products.

  4. Define the Settings. You must have at least one POS Settings record in your company. A POS Setting defines overall attributes for a group of terminals. In most instances, POS Settings is used to define one specific store; however, "store within stores" can be modeled by having multiple POS Settings relating to different groups of terminals. 

  5. Define the Terminals. Each Terminal is set up in the backend platform (NetSuite or Salesforce) using the POS Terminal record. Each Terminal record must be associated with at most one POS Settings record and also relate to Inventory Location (or Store) record.

  6. Define SuitePOS User Access. The SuitePOS User defines the Clerks or Managers that log in and out of SuitePOS.

  7. Setup the Purchased Modules. Once the core POS is set up, each module will need to be implemented accordingly.
These implementation steps must be performed in orchestration with your SuiteRetail Implementation Manager.
The records in the underlaying platform (NetSuite or Salesforce) have extensive field level help. For example, on the POS Settings or POS Terminal records, each field is defined in detail by clicking or hovering on the field label.

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