NetSuite Script Error: NetSuite Data Center Error During a Sync

Once in a while, during a sync, a "NetSuite Data Center" error message may pop up. This is thrown by design and is as a result of SuitePOS not being able to obtain the data center endpoint NetSuite uses for the REST API's for your account.

This is almost always a NetSuite issue and should be reported to NetSuite Support ASAP. In the meantime, the correct course of action is to "Skip and Sync" since this will use the last known.
If the last known does not work or is invalid, you will need to manually "Override" URL by entering the correct REST API data center end-point. You can obtain that by contacting NetSuite Support. You also need to ensure that NetSuite Support addresses the underlaying cause of the issue because you will keep getting this message popup.

For most accounts the REST endpoint takes the format of