A server-side bundle/package upgrade is required before the App is upgraded
- Customers on 4.0.x or earlier will need to remove the App, install the new version and perform a full sync.
- Customers on 4.1.x or above can simply overwrite the App after installing the bundle and likely do not have to perform a full sync.
Release 4.1 History
Release 4.1.42 Build (1129) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Build 1128 recompile for consistency. If you have 1128, no need to install this version.
Release 4.1.41 Build (1128) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Fix some stability issues around item syncs for certain models of iPads
Release 4.1.40 Build (1127) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Fix BT issues with iOS 16.5 and Socket Mobile whereby two apps that use the Socket Mobile SDK (eg. SuitePOS and the Socket Mobile Configurator) causes problems with the BT connection of the scanner. Socket Mobile issued an urgent SDK upgrade per a bulletin.
Release 4.1.39 Build (1126) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Attempt to fix sporadic core data issues by producing a new build using latest XCODE version
- Attempt to fix the occasional promotion core data error by not clearing out the promotions as often
- Updated provisioning profiles to 5/16/24 (from 11/11/23)
Release 4.1.37 Build (1124) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Attempt to fix core data errors/rare crashes that happen when returning items from a sale

Release 4.1.33 Build (1120) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Fix price level bug that does not get the right price when there are more than 100 active and inactive price levels.
Release 4.1.32 Build (1118) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26- Compiled with xCode 13 to resolve errors for customers using the Square Reader SDK, iOS 16.x and the Square Terminal V2.
Throttling. This is for very high volume customers. If the writing of Sales to NetSuite starts timing out (or the max concurrency is reached), SuitePOS will throttle the terminal so that all sale transactions (for 45 mins) will go to the failed queues instead of hitting the NetSuite server. This give the NetSuite server a chance to recover while still maintaining a good shopper experience.

In a later release (4.2.x) the default is OFF and you can manually enable throttling and adjust the time from POS Settings.

Release 4.1.32 Build (1117) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Fix for an annoying crash on close register. note: this did not impact the actual close.

Release 4.1.29 Build (1116) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Fixed issue where under some circumstances the Failed Queue was processing failures asynchronously causing issues with concurrency requests (being exceeded) in NetSuite.

Release 4.1.28 Build (1115) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.26
- Salesforce update only: SF Security Review

Release 4.1.27 Build (1114) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Fixed another rare issue where Refunds are calculating wrong tax (for Avatax) and ends up stopping the refund.
- Fixes Sales Order Sales Rep issues for orders placed on hold
- Fixed rare issue where refunds are calculating the wrong tax (for AvaTax) stopping the refund

Release 4.1.26 Build (1113) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Fix some Stripe crashes in the SDK
- Do not show whole order promotions on gift receipt
- Fixes Sales Order Sales Rep issues for orders placed on hold
- Fixed rare issue where Refunds are calculating the wrong tax (for AvaTax) stopping the Refund.
Release 4.1.25 Build (1111) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Update Square Reader SDK (1.6.8) to support iOS16 devices
- SuiteTax is now designated GA and no longer in Beta
- Fixed issue where inventory link is not displayed on Assembly Items
- Fixed Stripe crash issue when a 3D card is used
- Update Stripe SDK's. Stripe Terminal (2.12.0) and Stripe (22.8.1)
- Update to newer version of SocketScan SDK to support iOS16 devices
- Fixed issue where on-demand customer search does not return credit limit data
- Fixed rare issue where certain zips do not calculate the correct tax on returns using Avatax
- Hide the Void Button on Sales Orders when related transactions to the sales order have been created. This avoids a failed transaction to NetSuite
- Do not show Item Level Promotions on a Gift Receipt
- Fixed bug where message is displayed inappropriately when Auth to Exceed Credit Limit is required and sale amount equals the credit limit
- Fixed License Server message displaying the wrong subsidiary counts when entitlement exceeded

Release 4.1.20 Build (1102) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Fixed some minor UI issues for On-Demand Items
- Fixed issue where the last item in the cart was not carrying over properly (under rare circumstances) for On-Demand Items
- Fixed issue with scanner not working after a diff sync
- Added shipping costs to receipt for Sales Orders

Release 4.1.18 Build (1099) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Fixed rare issue where taxes were not getting charged when receipt totals zero

Release 4.1.17 Build (1098) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Fixed issue where a stripe message was popping up on first sale after starting the App

Release 4.1.16 Build (1097) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15
- Some minor UI improvements
- Better handling of Voids
- Some Fail Queue improvements
Release 4.1.14 Build (1094) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- Better handle account registration by saving the Account Id after app removal and install
- Fixed issue/getTax error message with customers using Avatax with Sales Orders and Serialized Items.
- Differentiate in the Stripe SDK between a void return and an automatic split cancel return.
- Fixed issue/getTax error message with customers using Avatax with Sales Orders and Gift Cards.
- Update to the new Square SDK that is supposed to fix Bluetooth connectivity issues
Release 4.1.11 Build (1091) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- Very minor release. Differentiate in the Square Reader SDK between a void return and an automatic split cancel return.
- Build 4.1.9 Build (1090) (NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15)
- Fixed issue with change not being displayed for cash payments on sale complete screen
- New Stripe SDK
- Fixed some random UI issues
Release 4.1.7 Build (1088) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- Fixed some UOM label abbreviations
- Fixed stripe issue with amex (not accepting 4 digit CVV)
- Fixed SuiteTax error when getting tax on serialized/lot items
- Improved search performance when UOM enabled (in some accounts)
- Improved promotion performance (for some accounts)
Release 4.1.5 Build (1084) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- Fix split payment issue for PayPal and Stipe. Under certain circumstances, the full remaining amount is being split
Release 4.1.4 Build (1083) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- App Store compliance
Release 4.1.3 Build (1082) NS Bundle 4.1.18, SF Package 4.15- Upgrade Square API version to 2021.12.15
- Move from Square Transactions API for Refunds to Refunds API
- Add in pop-up for local (storage) scan of duplicate barcode using the scanner to pick one rather than use the first one it comes across.
- Support for SuiteTax (Beta) and NetSuite server-side legacy tax calculations
- Move inventory column "available" to first column position (when querying inventory)
- Add in support for the newer versions of the Square Stand (1st generation)
Release 4.1.0A-Beta Build (1055A) NS Bundle 4.1.6, SF Package 4.14- Fixed an issue with the item inventory modal not working for iPads
- Fixed a navigation issue when manually adding items to the cart (on X out)
- Ignore matrix items parent records because they cannot be sold

Release 4.1.0X-Beta Build (1054X) NS Bundle 4.1.6, SF Package 4.14
- Support for newer Square Stands
- Fixed Square OAUTH issues

Release 4.1.0-Beta Build (1054) NS Bundle 4.1.4, SF Package 4.14
- Fixed the wrong user name being written in the terminal audit fields because of Token-based Authentication

Release 4.1.0-Beta Build (1053) NS Bundle 4.1.4, SF Package 4.1
- Initial BETA release
New in Release 4.1
Token-based Authentication for all SuitePOS Restlets
NetSuite has deprecated username/password authentication for all new restlets. As such, this method of authentication will no longer be supported. SuitePOS now uses NetSuite's Token-based Authentication (TBA). This has several advantages:
- TBA is more secure
- You no longer have to enter a NetSuite username/password during registration.
- TBA tokens persist until they are explicitly revoked. Meaning that the password policy of the NetSuite account does not effect SuitePOS registration.
Support for SuiteTax
We now support SuiteTax. SuiteTax is NetSuite's new tax engine that calculates complex tax scenarios using either NetSuite Tax or Third-Party tax engines. In addition, we have extended this support to allow support of any NetSuite tax scenario, including their legacy tax.
Instead of the SuitePOS determining the tax, when "Enable SuiteTax" is enabled, SuitePOS uses NetSuite to determine the tax; whether the NetSuite account is using SuiteTax or the legacy tax engine.
We have updated SuitePOS and SDK's so that iOS 16.x is now fully supported.

If you are running less than iOS 15.1 on any of your terminals, the latest version of SuitePOS will not install
Store-based Saved Customer/Item Searches for Syncs (NetSuite Only)
For some retailers, customer or item syncs can take a very long time. Saved Customer/Item Search can significantly enhances sync performance. Now, on a per store basis (POS Settings), Saved Customer/Item Searches can be unique for specific stores.unique for that store. More Information On-Demand Customers (NetSuite Only) - Direct Search
On-Demand Customer enables NetSuite-side searching of Customers; this was available in n prior release . This used to be a fuzzy search that could take up to 20 seconds for retailers that had massive customer counts. Now, a "direct" option is provided for email and phone number fields. This is fast.

Retailers with up to 4M customers have been tested with sub-second retrieval times.

After 3 key strokes (which auto reduces locally stored customers), the magnifying glass is highlighted and two new icons appear to perform direct searching (by email or phone).

On Demand Items (NetSuite Only)
Similar to On-Demand Customers, On-Demand Items, when enabled, allows the direct find and retrieval of items from the NetSuite-side if not stored locally (via the sync). This is useful for customers that want to reduce item sync times by not bringing in the items in the first place.
For example, you could create a Saved Item Search for a store (POS Settings) that brings in no items at all (or very few). If the item is not found (as a result of a barcode scan) the item is retrieved NetSuite-side automatically and pulled in locally.

Retailers with up to 2M items have been tested with consistent sub-second retrieval times.
Upgrade to Stripe SDK Version 2.x
Stripe have upgraded their SDK to version 2.x to include a 'Location" concept so that credit cards are better verified and authorized. If you are using Stripe, you will need to create Locations in your Stripe backend and then plug that "Location Id" into the POS Settings.
With the Advanced Promotion Module, you can not only specify start and end dates for promotions, but now you can specify start and end times. This is useful for time-based promotions perhaps at a specific event or during certain hours of a day. For example, a 4-6pm happy hour or a 2hr flash sale.

Quick Access of Items
Prior, there was no way to quickly present (for manual selection in SuitePOS) items that are often used but buried in sub-categories. We have included a flag (on the item record) that allows you to display the item (or category) on the main screen for quick selection. More Information Show Transaction Notes on Receipts
We now allow you to show transaction Notes on Receipts. You can enable this in POS Settings under the Receipt tab.
Show Sales Order Receipt Label
You can now have different title and footer labels for regular sales and sales orders in order to differentiate them. You can set this label in POS Settings under the receipt tab.
Show Total Savings
You can now show the total savings on the receipt for line items where the unit price is shown as different from the default price (denoted by strikethrough). You can enable this in POS Settings under the Receipt tab.
Customer Alerts
When this is enabled, customers that have an "alert" message set are displayed in SuitePOS when the customer is selected. This can be used to identify VIP's, problematic customers or any authorized contacts.
Removal of Time Zone Dependency
Prior to this, the time zone of NetSuite (or Salesforce) must match the time zone of the device. Failure to ensure that would result in a warning and potential data sync issues. Now we handle time zones automatically and independent of the server. This means the time zone of the device will persist (avoiding a lot of confusion when devices are taken across time zones).
Add Commas to Receipts (for amounts)
We have now put in commas to make larger amounts more readable on receipts.
Various SDK updates
Various third-party SDK's have been updated to newer versions. These include, but are not limited to, Stripe, Square POS, Square Reader and the Socket Scanner.
Renaming Square Gateways
Square and Square Plus gateway setting in POS Settings has now been renamed to Square POS and Square Reader respectively. This better reflects Squares SDK nomenclature.
Ignore Matrix Item Parents
Prior to this release matrix item parents are brought in via the item sync. To exclude these "parents" (because they cannot be sold, the workaround was to exclude them from the Active Saved Item Search. Now, these "parents" are excluded from both the item sync and also on-demand item search so adding the criteria to the saved search is no longer necessary.
Bug Fix: Whole Orders Discounts on Sales Orders
On retrieval of a Sales Order (or an Invoice that was generated from a Sales Order) the discount associated with that transaction is now retrieved.
NetSuite Update Steps

If you have custom forms linked to the locked SPOS iOS Device role, updating the bundle will revert these forms to the SPOS Default forms. In order to correct this, you will need to set your custom forms back on the SPOS iOS Device role. If you are already using a custom SPOS iOS Device role (recommended), this does not apply.
POS Settings Layout
Remove SPOS__Cash_Payment_Signature_Capture__c, SPOS__Cash_Payment_Signature_Disclaimer__c, SPOS__Cash_Refund_Signature_Capture__c and SPOS__Cash_Refund_Signature_Disclaimer__c fields from POS Settings.

Add SPOS__Show_Transaction_Notes__c, SPOS__Show_Total_Savings__c, SPOS__Sales_Order_Receipt_Label__c, SPOS__Alert_Field__c, SPOS__Stripe_Location__c fields to POS Settings layouts and associated profiles.

Account Layout
Add SPOS__Alert__c fields to Account layouts and associated profiles.

Product Layout
Add SPOS__Quick_Access__c fields to Account layouts and associated profiles.

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