Tutorial: Accessing NetSuite from SuitePOS

Tutorial: Accessing NetSuite from SuitePOS

Sometimes clerks need to perform actions directly in NetSuite. This could be activities such as seeing analytics or reports, researching transaction history and/or accepting payments against receivables. 

To make this process easy, SuitePOS allows a direct link out to NetSuite (for authorized clerks).  Clerks enter their credentials once, and then can go in and out of NetSuite as often as they please during the session. This can extend the capabilities of the POS beyond typical POS functions.
In NetSuite you can customize, display, and modify as little or as much as you want. Doing this will make things easier for clerks and more focused on the specific duties. In addition, you can write custom screens that make such actions even simpler.

Step 1: Give clerks access in NetSuite

  1. In NetSuite, navigate to List/Employees.
  2. Edit an Employee (clerk) record and select the SuitePOS tab.
  3. Select NetSuite in SuitePOS Menu Access.
  4. Click Save.

Step 2: Sync in SuitePOS

  1. On the device, log in to SuitePOS and Sync
  2. The NetSuite link should appear down the left side after clicking the Icon. 

Step 3: Accessing NetSuite from SuitePOS

  1. Click the NetSuite Menu. You will be directed to a NetSuite login.
  2. Login to NetSuite and perform whatever tasks you need. 
You only need to log into NetSuite once per session. This makes it easy to switch between tasks and each system

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