Tutorial: Activating/Deactivating Optimize Diff. Syncs. in NetSuite.

Tutorial: Activating/Deactivating Optimize Diff. Syncs. in NetSuite.

Diff Syncs are performed each login to SuitePOS (if enabled in POS Settings) or at least every day. Diff Syncs search for customers and items that have been updated since the last Diff Sync and applies those updates to the local device cache.

Some retailers running NetSuite have a lot of external (integrations and scripts) updates on item records that may trigger SuitePOS to pick up the item even though fields that SuitePOS uses may not have changed. This can cause syncs to take a long time.

To mitigate this we have an option on the POS Settings record that allows you to enable the optimization of Diff Syncs.  This means that only item field updates that are relevant to SuitePOS will be pulled in.

This feature only works well for very specific environments that have external item updates happening on fields that are not used by SuitePOS. This feature should not be activated otherwise as there will be no performance gains.
  • Update of prices for foreign subsidiaries is not supported.
  • Manual price level updates (ie. non % based price levels) is not supported
  • Mass updates on any item sublist (eg. price, vendor name, restricted by location/terminal) is not supported
You can force a diff sync on any item by toggling the "Force Diff Sync" field. This will force an update of the POS modified date and help out unsupported functionality.
You can always perform a Full Sync if all else fails (or deactivate the feature entirely).
Ensure the active item saved search is using "Available for POS" = "True". If this field is not set, the workflow that governs the optimization will not fire.

Edit Saved Search Screen:

Step 2: Activate the Optimization Workflow

Set the workflow "SPOS Update Item POS Mod Date" to "Released" and disable "Logging".

Edit Workflow Screen:

Step 3: Check the Script Deployment Role

Setting it to ALL ROLES  ensures the workflow action script is fired for every role.

Edit Deployment:

Step 4: Activate Optimize Diff Sync

  1. Go to POS Settings.
  2. Enable Optimize Diff Syncs.

NetSuite POS Settings Screen:

Deactivate Optimize Diff Syncs

Unset the "Optimize Diff Syncs" flag on POS Settings
Set the workflow "SPOS Update Item POS Mod Date" to "Not Running".

CSV Import Considerations

If you need this triggered when doing csv imports (create/edit) you need to ensure that "RUN SERVER SUITE SCRIPT AND TRIGGER WORKFLOWS" is checked to ON when you are importing a csv file (in Advanced Options).

The overall system default is OFF but this can also be set to ON in the Setup/CSV Import Preferences also.
Failure to ensure that this is ON will mean the POS Modified Date field will not get updated.

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