Tutorial: NetSuite Saved Customer and Item Searches

Tutorial: NetSuite Saved Customer and Item Searches

Saved Customer and Items Searches allows you to customize what is including in the syncs and pin it at the POS Settings level (typically a store). This is used to override the Active Saved Searches that apply to all POS Settings and provides an ability to fine tune your environment for Sync efficiency.

Using these Saved Searches, you can now limit Items and Customers that are brought into SuitePOS based of any criteria you choose.  You can choose to bring in no items or customers (other than the Anonymous Customer) or you can bring in all popular items or even all Items sold at a specific store.

The sole purpose of this is to reduce and optimize sync times for those retailers that have a lot of item or customers.
You can optionally create a custom Customer Saved Search that limits the customers that are pulled in. eg. only active customers, only recent customers etc. You can even limit it to only the Anonymous Customers.

Example Customer Saved Search:

You can optionally create a custom Item Saved Search that limits the items that are pulled in. eg. only active items, only items available for POS, no items, only items that have inventory etc. etc.  

Example Item Saved Search

STEP 3: Assign Active Saved Searches in POS Settings

In order for the syncs to pick up the saved searches, they need to be assigned to a POS Settings Record.  Otherwise, if blank, the global Active Saved Search (for Items or Customers) will be used.

Example Assigned Active Saved Searches:

Global Active Saved Searches

The global Active Saved Searches MUST still be created. This is necessary for defaulting and also for bringing in discounts and categories (which every sync must do). 

On-demand Customer and Items

When you limit the saved searches there needs to be a way to get the missing customers or items from NetSuite. This is where On-Demand Customer and Item Search comes in. On-Demand Search means that if a Customer (or Item) is not there locally in the POS (from the Sync) then it will be pulled into the POS directly from NetSuite. 

Differential Syncs and Saved Search Criteria

When constructing saved searches, care needs to be taken not to include criteria that does not update the modified date of a record.  For example, if you include a condition that filters out all inventory with counts set to zero, you may get unexpected results. This is because inventory count changes do not update the item record. As a result, a diff sync may not pick records up if the inventory count goes from 0 to 1. A manual or forced Full Sync will have to be performed periodically.

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